Красавица-воин Сейлор Мун 1995

Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family Fantasy Romance

The magical action-adventures of a teenage girl who learns of her destiny as the legendary warrior Sailor Moon and must band together with the other Sailor Scouts to defend the Earth and Galaxy.

All Titles
  • JP: Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
  • AL: Luftëtarja e Hënës Luftëtarja e Hënës
  • BR: Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
  • HR: Mjesečeva ratnica Mjesečeva ratnica
  • HU: Varázslatos álmok Varázslatos álmok
  • IT: Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
  • PT: A Navegante da Lua A Navegante da Lua
  • RS: Mesečeva ratnica Mesečeva ratnica
  • ES: Sailor Moon Sailor Moon
  • US: English Sailor Moon English Sailor Moon
  • US: Sailor Moon S Sailor Moon S
  • US: Sailor Moon Super S Sailor Moon Super S
Released 11 Sep 1995
Links IMDb
