Watashi ga ren'ai dekinai riyuu 2011


For three women, life is tough enough to handle - don't even try adding love to the mix! Emi Fuji (Karina Nose) is a lighting tech whose colleagues are all men. She's largely disinterested in fashion and love, but still harbors fe...

All Titles
  • JP: Watashi ga ren'ai dekinai riyuu Watashi ga ren'ai dekinai riyuu
  • JP: The Reason I Can't Find My Love The Reason I Can't Find My Love
  • HK: 無法戀愛的理由 無法戀愛的理由
  • JP: 私が恋愛できない理由 私が恋愛できない理由
  • TW: 美女沒人愛 美女沒人愛
  • TW: 我無法戀愛的理由 我無法戀愛的理由
  • VN: Tinh Nhu Dam May Xa Tinh Nhu Dam May Xa
Released 17 Oct 2011
Links IMDb


Watashi ga ren'ai dekinai riyuu 2011